Training Materials and Course Links Now Available

Updated training materials and links to online training courses have been added to the ARES®, RACES, and SKYWARN® Training pages (materials and links were already available for CoCoRaHS training). The purpose of these is to provide the volunteers in each service with a common starting point for beginning their training. They are NOT intended to provide all of the information needed for participation in these services; the intent is to establish a foundation of basic knowledge on which volunteers can build and develop their skills.

TECO asks that all volunteers study and become familiar with the posted training materials, and to participate in the online courses.

All of the materials and courses are provided free of charge (some courses require online registration, also at no charge). Posted materials can be downloaded and/or printed for use as references. Certificates of completion are provided at the end of each course; volunteers are asked to send copies of their certificates to Wade Graves (KF5AUD) at so that he can add them to your training records. If you have already completed a course as part of training with another organization (CERT, Federal/State departments or programs, etc.) you do not have to take the course again; send a copy of each certificate to Wade to get credit for that course.

Additional/updated materials and courses will be added to the Training pages from time to time; all volunteers are asked to periodically check them for updates.

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