Amateur Radio Technician Licensing Class February 16th

The next Technician License class has been scheduled. The class will consist of two Saturday sessions. The first session, February 16th, will be held from 8:30 am until noon. The second (and final) session will be held on March 9th from 8:30 am until approximately 4:30 pm. The class will be held on the Grayson College main campus in Denison, in the CIS Building, room 109.

The first session covers several introductory topics including what ham radio is, what is needed to pass the exam, and what is needed the day of the test. The second session consists of a day-long review of the study materials and exam questions, followed by the Volunteer Examiner (VE) team administering the test. Study materials, including a complete list of all the exam questions and their correct answers, are available for each student to borrow for studying between sessions.

While there is no charge to attend the class, a $10 deposit is requested when borrowing the study materials, which is refunded when the student returns the materials at the second session. There is also a $15 testing fee for students who take the exam

Contact Moe Knight NT7C ( for more information or to sign up for the class.

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