HSMM-MESH / Winlink Work Session February 19th

Have you converted a router to work with HSMM-MESH, but don’t know what to do with it? Maybe you’re wanting to learn how? Or perhaps you want to test your equipment to make sure it’s working?

Are you planning to work with Winlink 2000 to send e-mails by radio? Or you think you’re online but not sure you’ve got things set up right?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, then we have an event coming up that you won’t want to miss. We will be holding a work session for both HSMM-MESH and Winlink on Tuesday, February 19th, from 6:30-9:00pm at the Grayson College Police Department building in Denison.

Some of us attending will know more about certain parts of these two digital modes than others, but we all have something we can share, and everyone will come away with a better understanding of how each works and of when and where to use them. So, pack up your routers, TNCs, laptops, and other goodies and bring them to the work session on the 19th (if you have any extra power strips, bring them along too).

Be sure to contact Wade Graves by e-mail (wade.graves@gmail.com) to let him know you’re coming; that way he can get a headcount so there will be enough chairs and table space available.

We look forward to seeing you on the 19th!


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