Tis the Season

Did you know its hurricane season? And it’s beginning to get a little ‘long in the tooth’ as the old timers used to say. That can only mean one thing: fall is on the way!!

Yippee! Let’s turn the heat index meter off and get to some really nice weather. But before the blue sky of summer loosens its sweaty grip on us, let’s remember that as the weather transitions from summer heat to cooler temps that means unsettled conditions. Yep, you guessed it, fall thunderstorm season will be on us. Combine that with a little activity in the Gulf and we can have some rough weather.

So review your go kit, clean out that melted energy bar disguised as a snickers bar, the stale peanut butter crackers, replace that water bottle with a fresh one (they do have a shelf life… don’t ask how I know) check the batteries in the flash light and HT, and be sure you’re ready for a few rounds of weather nets this fall.

It’s been a fun summer with Field Day, club SE stations and most recently the Kiwanis Bike rally. We have had a few training sessions and have couple more planned for the fall. Your AEC team will meet this month to finalize training topics and nets for the fall. We have some really good ideas coming up.

Several of the AECs, some interested team members, and myself met with the Sherman EM team a few days ago. With a new Fire chief and organizational changes, there is a fresh look at this city’s EM operation and its relations with all the involved parties. We talked over a few things, reviewed changes to their planned remodel of their EOC in the basement of the Police building, and made suggestions as to how Amateur Radio equipment could be included to provide communications assistance should it be needed. Coax runs and antennas were visually checked over and plans made for their use. Also, we looked over a rather large cache of radios and equipment gathered for us to go through and check out. That process is ongoing and should provide some good equipment for the Sherman EOC.

That’s about it for now. Hope you have enjoyed the summer, let’s bring on some fall weather!

Rick K5ECX


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